Wednesday, March 23, 2011

First time up!

Went to court this morning... argued... Came to the office... put out fires... taught my class... molded the youth of America... Yeah right. What seems entirely illogical about our day to day lives is the constant conflict we find ourselves in. In highschool we think, "it's just highschool, it will get better when I'm older". When we are older we think, it's just a bumb in the road things will get better when I get a new job, or make more money, or find the right person. The sad truth is that it never does, nor should it. Without conflict I would be without a job, and your life would be boring. Being an attorney has helped me focus on whats important. I took the good with the bad, and try to keep both in check. Now I wait... exhaustion being my companion. But I know, that if I persevere and hold close to those people most important, then I will arrive at my destination. Where is that? No one knows, which makes this journey more of a road trip than anything.

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